Main Classifications of Vampires

  1. BLOOD-FE-TEES: These are V’s who were born a vampire, usually from two vampire parents. They mature slowly. Thus a 160-year-old bft is only a teen-vamp.

  2. TURNED ONES: As the name implies, these are V’s who were once human and were later changed into a vampire.

    One of the peculiarities of the V world is that a 40-year-old turned V could be more mature than a 160-year-old blood-fe-tee.

Ways of Turning

  1. TURNING VIA SERVANTHOOD: This is the most common method used in Eveningvein. A human becomes a V’s servant first before transforming into a full vampire. The aspirant (say for the sake of illustration the human is female and the V, a vampiress) sips a tiny drop of her mistress’s blood, and over the next several days, she becomes a sort of half-vampiress, who eats rats, spiders, and insects.

    After many years, the night will arrive when the servant will formally request that her mistress fully turn her. It’s likely a mutual understanding has already arisen between the two of them that the time is right.

    The Collective then hosts a Celebration of Turning. During the event, the mistress slashes her own hand (which of course heals quickly), squeezes a few drops of blood into a cup, and offers it to her servant. The servant drinks the blood, and amid a burst of cheers—voila, a new V is born!

    Note: Attempting to make a quick jump to a V, by drinking large amounts of V blood and bypassing the servant stage, will almost always kill the person who dared to take such a risk.

  2. TURNING VIA THRALL: When a human (say for the sake of illustration the human’s male, and the V’s a vampiress) has been a Thrall for a sufficient time (usually at least a year or more), the vampiress can turn her lover by giving him some of her blood. It’s imperative this not be done too soon or the result could be fatal.

    Note: From time to time, a Thrall transmutes unexpectedly without him or her drinking any V blood. This is called, “A gift of Lilith.” Vampires believe this occurs when the V-Thrall amour is particularly intense.

  3. TURNING AFTER DRAINING: While Eveningvein’s Primal Oracle forbids hunting and draining, some rogues still do it. A human that has been drained of blood by a vampire can awaken as a V even many years later. The new V often rouses in a crazed state, which lasts about six weeks or so until his or her head clears.

Types of Vampires

  1. SILVER VAMPIRES: Silver vampires must return to their coffins before sunrise, or within seconds, they will burst into flames and die. They have acute V-senses; they can see in absolute darkness and sense others remotely. Their misting ability allows them to travel many miles through the air. They also possess superior mesmerizing skills. (Examples: Danica Darlock, Crypta Glypor)

  2. ELECTRUM VAMPIRES: Electrums don’t have coffins. However, they must stay out of the daylight or they will become sunsick, and in a matter of minutes, die. Unlike Silvers, flames don’t engulf their bodies at their demise; instead, they crumble to dust. They can see well in the dark, but not as well as Silvers. They can’t mist as far as them either. (Examples: Rubymist LaRuse, Arcano Cinnabar)

  3. GOLDEN VAMPIRES: Goldens only need to return to their coffins once a month during the day of the new moon. All other days, they can live in the sunlight like humans. Their V-senses are not as acute as Silvers or Electrums. They have good night vision but can’t see in total darkness. They can’t mist either. However, their ability to live in daylight makes it easy for them to blend into human society. (Examples: Arden Stillwell, Winterlust Shadex)